
 I know at some point of our story, I'm the one who became toxic, and I'm really sorry for that. I gave you scars and let you bleed while only thinking about myself. You were once the one who couldn't sleep soundly at night. That's why now I understand. I shouldn't played with your feelings, I should just let you heal on your own, and I will heal my own scars too.

It's somehow my fault why you are now scarred and afraid, and now you also let me bleed unconsciously to understand what you've felt before. I think this is the right time to fix ourselves on our own. It sucks to depend on each other while making each other bleed.

Maybe, just maybe. When time is right, we'll meet again— with strong heart and healed soul. Maybe then, we'll collide and never have to bleed on each other again.

I used to hate "maybes", but now I'll believe in it because we don't know what tomorrow could bring.


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